Together, let's travel responsibly


Our mission: Be a committed, human and responsible way of travel for all.

Tourism is one of the most powerful industries in the world, but also one of the most destructive for the planet and the people who live there. At HomeExchange, we believe we need to act now, as a business and as a community, by making better choices and taking action to reduce our impact and promote more beneficial tourism.

HomeExchange is part of "Acteurs du Tourisme Durable", the first French national network aiming at making the whole tourism sector evolve towards a more sustainable development.



As actors in the tourism industry, we believe it is our duty to raise awareness about the impact of travel on the planet and to share these messages. The current environmental situation requires the adoption of more eco-responsible behaviors in each one of us. Our choices regarding each component of a trip: destination, transportation, frequency, and activities, are the things that determine the trip’s sustainability. Home exchanging can be beneficial from an ecological standpoint if it is part of a thoughtful approach to the entire trip. A plane ride pollutes by releasing a monstrous amount of CO2 into the atmosphere, while on a smaller scale, but not without importance, jet ski activities affect marine environments. The future is in all of our hands, so let's take the time to plan our trips with conscience and enjoy all the pleasures that a home exchange has to offer!