Thousands of members are looking for their next local house swap vacation!

Try a house swap and don't stress about your travel budget! house swaps allow you to go on vacation without spending a fortune on accommodation fees. Looking for new vacation ideas? HomeExchange invites you to discover the most authentic way to travel!

Why HomeExchange?

swap houses and travel with peace of mind

450,000+ houses in over 187
countries around the world

No Cancellation Fees and extra coverage if host cancels

Theft and damage protection
up to $1,000,0000


24/7 member support
and live chat access

Need inspiration for your next house swap?

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How does it work?

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 HomeExchange Reviews

House swap stories from our members

Cancellation Protection

Savings & Amenities

"Thanks to HomeExchange, we saved more than $30,000 last year on our travel. Our kids get to play with other kids' toys while we enjoy the amenities of a real house. With COVID-19, we are traveling within our state this summer."

Erica - 25 swaps

Compliance Guarantee

Trust & Respect

"We were initially a bit reluctant to host, but decided to trust the community and we were right to do so! Our guests have always been so respectful and HomeExchange was right there every step of the way if needed."

Thomas - 10 swaps

Damage Coverage

Travels & Flexibility

"We get to travel the world! At first, we were worried that no one would want to swap with us, but we quickly got in touch with other families! We also enjoy using the GuestPoints system for more flexibility."

Liz - 5 swaps

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