HomeExchange is a truly incredible community that's bring people together all around the world for difference reasons. Among those people are pet owners and pet sitters. Our respectful community of mutual exchange helps facilitate successful exchanges that ensure great care for your pets while they're away, and affordable accommodation alternatives to travellers who also happen to be animal lovers like their hosts. Find our more about per sitting house exchanges with HomeExchange below!

Discover how HomeExchange works

For Pet Owners: Pet Sitting House Exchange or Hosting

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Planning for our pets can be a source of stress and worry for many potential travellers. We can't always bring them along for many reasons. Among those are the cost, no pets allowed accommodations, and more often than not simply for their own well being. Many animals, cats in particular but dogs too, can be stressed by air travel or being thrown into new environments.

If you've decided leaving your pets behind on vacation is the best for them, you may be confronted with the costs of boarding and pricey pet sitters. Traveling is already expensive and when you tack this on to your budget it can be a bit of a bummer. There is a better solution for pet owners though and that's HomeExchange.

pet sitting house swap
"My experience to date has been great. I have many inquires and many bookings. The guests have all been good people who take care of my home and pets." - Terry, USA

HomeExchange offers two amazing ways for your pets to stay in the comforts of home while you're away. The first is a reciprocal HomeExchange with other members willing to look after your pet. Many of them are pet owners themselves and animal lovers with pet experience. The second is hosting a pet sitter and earning Guest Points to be used later. It's like getting paid for letting someone care for your pet.

Both of these HomeExchange options allow for your four legged friends, fish, or whatever member of the animal kingdom you've adopted into your family feel safe at home without having to change their daily habits. You can even find reviews from hosts and previous exchanges to reassure you they're right for caring for your pets.

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For Pet Sitters: Pet Sitting Exchange for Free Accomodations

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If you are looking for affordable accommodations when traveling then HomeExchange is a great community. If you are an animal lover, and even better, an experienced pet owner, then you'll find many members will greatly appreciate you being able to offer them this during an exchange.

Giving pets tender loving care and meeting all their needs while their owners are away is one of the best things you can offer hosts. It's also a great way to experience the joy of animals, and many of our members end up making loving friendships with pets they've cared for during their travels!

pet sitting house exchange
" [I'm] doing my first sit as we speak, with lovely couple and couldn’t be sweeter dogs and cats. As I’m not allowed pets in my N.Y. apartment, this is a wonderful opportunity for me." - Susan, USA

It's really a wholesome and endearing experience to reassure and care for a pet while their loved one is away. It's incredibly enriching and makes your travel accommodations feel like a real home away from home. Nothing say welcome home like a cat or dog waiting for you when you open the door!

So, if you're an experienced and willing pet owner, or simply an animal lover, HomeExchange can be a great community for you to find affordable and enriching accommodations through reciprocal exchanges or based on our innovative Guest Points system alone. You don't get paid but what you make up for in savings is well worth filling the food and water bowl and giving some canine or kitty cuddles!

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How HomeExchange Goes Well Beyond Pet Sitting House Exchanges

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Pet sitting opportunities for pet owner and pet sitters is just one amazing aspect of our community. HomeExchange is the largest and most renowned HomeExchange network in the world, and with good reason. We've been around since the 1950's and online since the dawning of the internet.

For an annual fee of just $220 dollars (hardly more than average weekend rate at hotel) you can unlock unlimited exchanges and travel possibilities for an entire year. Signing up is free, so if you're looking for pet sitting house exchanges then this is the place. There are hundreds even thousands of members in the community that could be the perfect match for your travels.

pet sitting exchange homeexchange
We’ve had exchangers take care of our 2 small dogs on occasion, and have taken care of other’s pets. Though this is a negotiable feature, it works great for us" - Judy, USA

When you find the pet sitting house swap that is right for you, you can iron out in details in our messaging system and pay the annual free only once you confirm your exchange. You can continue to exchange all year without any additional fees be it for pet sitting house exchanges or any other great reasons to travel and see a new place.

HomeExchange facilitates exchanges between like minded travellers around the world, including pet owners and animal lovers! It's a well loves aspect of the community that draws many people to sign up, who continue to discover all of the additional perks of the network like getting locals recommendations, the comforts of a real home, saving money, and so much more. Register for free to start exploring all the possibilities for pet sitting and more today!

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