2020 was a difficult year for the whole tourism industry. The pandemic led us to change our habits and turn to different priorities. We had to adapt every moment during the year, but the shut down also provided something “good”. It pushed us to recognize what really matters.

At HomeExchange, we are convinced that home exchange is the best way of traveling. The possibility of enjoying an entire, private and real home for yourself and your small group of guests in comparison with numbers at a traditional accommodation, of going off the beaten track, and the trust and communication between home exchange partners are some of the reasons why home exchange is the safest way of traveling these days.

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We have adapted to the current  situation with our flexible cancellation policy and covid guarantees, and have worked hard to support our members in every situational need. We also updated our communicating guidelines and recommendations to exchange safely in these times, adapting our product to your needs and preferences. As a team, we want to bring you the best HomeExchange experience.

In 2021 our goal is to continue to help you enjoy your vacations with total peace of mind, have lovely encounters and new experiences, and be there for you whenever you need us. We will need a safe way to travel and have rest,  and HomeExchange can help with that.

2021 is coming full of challenges but also full of great opportunities. We would like to share with you how our team is facing this 2021.

Our main direction will move towards a more inspiring, human and personalized experience

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”We learned in 2020 how to be even more agile and reactive to a changing situation and still offer the right tools for our members to adjust their exchange plans and create new ones. If we’ll keep up  that effort for 2021, our main direction will move towards a more inspiring, human and personalized experience. All these ingredients will make our members’ experience unforgettable.” - Virginie, Head of Product.
“2020 was a challenging year for the whole travel sector, and we have identified the priorities of our members :  traveling locally and safely, with flexible guarantees! We are convinced that HomeExchange is the best way to travel, particularly in these conditions,  and we'll be focused in 2021 on growing the HomeExchange community with members who are sharing the same values” - Alice, Chief Marketing Officer.

Our main objective will be to strengthen this direct and special relationship we have with our members

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We’ve made it through a very peculiar year thanks to our very engaged and supportive community. In 2021, our main objective will be to strengthen this direct and special relationship we have with our members by being available for every step of their journey on HomeExchange.- Alicia, Head of Member Support
“2021 is the moment for the brand and communications team to continue spreading the concept of HomeExchange through all kinds of media (news, TV, radio, social media, etc.), positioning it as a reference for safe and responsible tourism, with strong human and community values. We will continue, through our Facebook groups, to communicate with our members in a transparent way, to offer them ways to interact with each other, to listen to them, and to work hand in hand with them to know, understand and respond to their needs.” - Jessica, PR Manager.

We wish you a great 2021. We will continue working hard for you to have the best home exchange experience. In case you have any questions or need any help, we will be more than happy to help you in contact@homeexchange.com.

Take care!

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