It’s your first time on HomeExchange, so you naturally navigate to our interactive map where you can search from over 400,000 world-spanning listings.

What do you search for? If you’re like some users, you skip “Paris” or “New York City” and you put in your own home town. What you find may surprise you.

Your neighbors are listed on the site! Well, maybe not your literal neighbors, but there are sure to be some folks in your area. And there’s a reason for it. Over a million exchanges have successfully been arranged through the site and chances are that at least one of them was within your local area. Keeping up with the Joneses has never been so easy, fun, or inspirational. They’ve learned that HomeExchange lets you live like a local wherever you want to go and saving money at the same time.

home exchange map search function website

The ability to search for properties anywhere in the world has always been a part of HomeExchange membership. The fully interactive map allows you to view available listings locally or from around the world. Simply begin by entering a location, which could be as specific as a postal code, a city, or as general as a country. As you zoom in and out, listings automatically adjust to fit the new geographical space. A blue circle with a white number in the middle signifies a cluster of listings in that area. You can explore with a simple click on individual listings represented by a blue place marker to see a picture and brief description.

home exchange map search function website

The interactive map lets you explore neighborhoods and get a bird’s eye view of the place you plan to visit. Scaling the map allows you to see how close the exchange would be to sites of interest, the airport, an event, or anything else pertinent to your travel needs.

Worried about your privacy? No need. Specific street addresses and map coordinates are “blurred,” or obscured so nobody knows precisely where you are located. HomeExchange realizes that many members try to be discreet when doing exchanges, and appreciates the concern regarding overly inquisitive neighbors. It also means your potential exchange partners won’t know your exact address until communicated directly, and you both agree to reveal the exact addresses for an exchange.

Your neighbors are doing it, and you should too. The map and its filters makes it supremely quick and easy to find exactly what you want. After you explore your own neighborhood, travel to your dream destination and see all the exciting opportunities that await you.

Travel with HomeExchange