The HomeExchange community sends their best wishes for the New Year

We all know 2020 has been a hard year full of unpleasant surprises. We had to redefine our priorities and adapt to the changes the global pandemic brought to the whole world.

HomeExchangers stayed home but also changed the way they traveled: more locally and last minute, always respecting health and social guidelines. We understood more than ever how important it is to cherish the simple things in life, like spending time with family and friends.

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The HomeExchange community has shown their strong community values this year, their generosity and solidarity, not only through the Solidarity group by offering their homes to frontline workers, but also helping their guests and supporting their communities.

HomeExchangers send you their best wishes

Now that the year is winding down, we asked the community to send you some love through our Facebook groups. Here are some of their warm messages and best wishes for 2021.

Wishing you all a happy and above all best year. Be well. Travel, explore and discover as much as possible our beautiful planet. 🤗 Kisses to each and every one of you 👋 - Nathalie, 46 exchanges

The hope of future travel keeps us going. We want to thank HomeExchange for this Facebook group and the opportunities you have provided. We live in a beautiful place and walk outdoors for our mental health! It's easy to become overwhelmed and sad and as avid travelers we have never been home this long ever! It's the hope of travel, thoughts of travel, our dear friends we have made exchanging and seeing others share their travels that give us a sense of belonging to a wonderful community. It's just the 2 of us here which we are grateful for but with no family in Boynton Beach, FL to be able to view the world through HomeExchange is inspiring and allows to keep walking to stay in shape for the next anticipated adventure. After all, research tells us even the planning of travel brings joy! - Jayne, 16 exchanges

May the best of 2020 be your worst of 2021. - Virginie, HomeExchanger

I would like to thank all the essential workers this year. Here I am in the middle at the small surgery center I work. We are thankful to be working and taking care of patients. It has been a hard year and we are ready for 2021! Praying a vaccine will end the pandemic. Take the time to thank your grocery store clerk or delivery man. Everyone needs a kind word of appreciation. - Lori, 11 exchange

I wish you all a very beautiful year without constraints. Many trips and great meetings, whether far or near us (but we would like to go a little further than our 20 or 100 km). And let us imagine and schedule a vacation without fear of virus and restrictions.- Laurence, 17 exchanges.

Your turn! Send your greetings to the community

During this festive season, send your greetings and well wishes to members of our community.

You can send a message to the exchange partner that became your friend, the member you had to cancel an exchange with, or maybe to one who “favorited” your home or who has a home in your preferred destination. The conversation could even bring new exchange opportunities for 2021.

You know the difference a few kind words can make in someone's day or even year! Send 2020 off feeling the warmth of the HomeExchange community.

Send warm wishes