Today, we celebrate 30 years of HomeExchange and boy, what a ride it’s been!

We wanted to take this opportunity to sincerely thank you for being a part of this community. We would never have been able to get this far without you and your continuous support and advocating for the community and for home exchanging.

When we first started out, never in our wildest dreams did we imagine we’d get here - with more than 94,000 members across 159 countries finalizing more than 2.5 million overnight trips a year and a team of over 90 people, all passionate about making HomeExchange better than it ever was. And yet here we are. It’s truly a pinch-me moment for the both of us.

As a team, company, and community, we’ve been through so many defining moments together, like most recently with the pandemic. To those who’ve been with us through it all, thank you for sticking with us. For those who are newer, thanks for joining us on this journey!

We’re so grateful to have a community of like-minded individuals like yourselves so dedicated to this authentic way of traveling and who exemplify the values of trust, respect, and generosity with each exchange.

We’ll continue working hard to bring HomeExchange to greater heights. We have a lot planned for the future - normalizing home exchanges, making it easier for you to organize them, having more inclusivity in our community, and improving our impact on society and on the environment, just to name a few.

And with that said, we have lots of fun things planned for the rest of the year to celebrate this milestone (more information to come!) and we look forward to celebrating with all of you.

Warmest regards,
Charles-Edouard and Emmanuel Arnaud
CEO and President of HomeExchange