We’re very happy to share that the community over at Love Home Swap, a UK-based home exchanging site, is now a part of the HomeExchange company.

About Love Home Swap

Founded in 2009, Love Home Swap’s tiered-membership approach to home exchange vacations has afforded its members an authentic and affordable travel experience in across more than 100 countries. With 10,000 members across the globe, their main markets include the United States, United Kingdom and Australia.

What will happen next?

Effectively, as a member of HomeExchange, nothing will change for you.

At the moment, Love Home Swap will continue functioning as it always has been. We’re convinced that eventually, it would be great for both HomeExchange and Love Home Swap members to eventually benefit from a bigger, combined community so we're working hard now to think about how we can welcome Love Home Swappers best in HomeExchange.

And of course, while a part of the team works on this transition, the rest of us will continue working on improving HomeExchange. Our product and tech team are working hard on releasing new product features in the next few months.

We just wanted to share this great news with you and will keep you posted with more updates in time to come.

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