How To Travel Cheap: Cost Saving Tips For Seeing the World

If you're here reading, it's probably because you love to travel. While we all want to get carried away by our wanderlust, but there are often a few things holding us back. One might be taking time off from work. Sometimes it's responsibilities like family (school holidays are limited), or our pets (HomeExchange is a solution for that!). More often than not though, it tends to be money that keeps us from traveling as much as we would like. The cost of travel ebbs and flows with seasons, the economy, world events, and more.

These tried and true tips for how to travel on a budget will help you save big time so your dream of seeing the world come in a far lower cost. Read on to discover our best budget travel tips, starting with learning more about HomeExchange and how it's one of the best ways to travel the world cheap.

Discover How HomeExchange Works

1- Stay In a Home Exchange

The price of accommodations is typically the most expensive part of traveling. When you tack it on to the rent or mortgage you might already be paying back home, your monthly budget can take a hard hit when you decide to take off and travel. Even budget travelers are spending $50 to $100 dollars a day on accomodations on average. Imagine if you could all but eliminate the cost of hotels and vacation rentals with an alternative that has tons of other perks. With HomeExchange it's possible, and that's why it's our number one tip for how to travel cheap.

One small annual fee unlocks unlimited home exchanges for travelers in our community. Home swapping is based on a reciprocal exchange. Instead of paying out of pocket, you offer the equivalent of what you're getting – a home away from home to stay when you travel. HomeExchange's Guest Points system means even more possibilities. Found another Member with an available home, but that Member doesn't want to stay at your home? You can offer them GuestPoints. Later, they can use their points to stay at another Member's home their destination of choice.

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2- Travel Out of High Season

It's easier said than done, especially if you have kids in school and are limited to school holidays, but traveling out of season can allow you to save big time and see popular destinations in a new way. Always dreamed of hitting the slopes in Aspen but ski season prices felt too steep? You'll be pleasantly surprised to discover the magic of the rockies in spring and summer when you can hike and cycle to your heart's desire, explore local natural wonders without be bogged down by a ski suit, and partake in festivals that happen here at this time.

That's just one example of how traveling out of high season can be an incredible experience on top of saving you up to 70% on average on transport, accommodations, and other activities. Another great example is how to travel cheap in Europe. If you go during its off season between November and March, you pay less for flights, car rentals, and more. Prices are globally more affordable and you can enjoy the best Christmas Markets in Europe, Europe's best ski resorts, and even some sunshine and sand between your toes in places like the South of Spain and Portugal where the weather is fine all the time!

3- Cook Your Own Meals

One of the most exciting things about traveling almost anywhere you go is the opportunity to discover local culture through their cuisine. While dining out is definitely on the do list to experience new places, it can also get pricey pretty quickly. So, a great way to travel cheap is to cook your own meals. Doing so doesn't mean that you have to skip out on experiencing local culture. Exploring the offerings in the local super market is incredibly inspiring. Even better are local open air markets where you can shop fresh produce and more.

The average price per serving for a home cooked meal is just one fourth the price of dining out. So imagine this. You found your ideal HomeExchange with a kitchen for your to cook up a lovely meal. You grab some bags or a basket and head to the best local daily market recommended by a likeminded traveller - your home exchange host. You get to spend time out of the house, inspired by local ingredients, and exchange with vendors. You can even ask for some local recipes! Then you head home to cook up a delicious cost effective meal. What a wonderful way to spend part of your day while traveling, don't you think?

4- Take Advantage of Free Attractions

With a bit a research, you will be pleasantly surprised to find there are typically a lot more free attractions than you would imagine when you travel. In fact, sometimes the best a city has to offer is free. Think of pricey destinations like London and Paris – their numerous gorgeous and regal perfectly kept parks are one of the best ways to enjoy this city and they don't cost a cent! Many museums and monuments have free days during the weeks, especially for students and seniors so don't forget to bring your ID so you can take full advantage of those rates.

Nowadays, with the help of your smartphone you can also download a myriad of apps that offer free guided walking tours of cities that you can do at your own pace and whenever you like. Walking most places is also free, and a great way to keep in shape during your travels and discover great cafés, shops, parks, and more you might not have stumbled upon otherwise. For more on how to travel the world cheap, we've already compiled ideas for free things to do in top cities like New York, Chicago, and Rome. For a fun travel challenge, we love the idea of heading out without your wallet and seeing how much you can see and do without paying a cent.

5- Use Public Transport, Trains, & Carpooling Apps

When figuring out how to travel on a budget, you can't overlook the cost of transport. Not just when it comes to arriving to your destination, but also the ongoing costs you can incur throughout your stay to get around. Public transport is the most affordable way to get around as well as the most ecologically friendly and even efficient! That's why we're big fans. Take Paris again for example – a taxi ride will cost you up to ten times the cost of a metro tickets, and take at least two times as long in local traffic. For destinations that don't have advanced subway, bus, or tram systems there are other great alternatives.

The rising popularity of carpooling apps has made ride sharing easier than ever to organise, safer than ever for riders (drivers have real reviews just like a HomeExchange for example), and cut costs of tolls, gas, and more. For destinations that aren't reachable by train, it can mean foregoing pricey car rentals that can quickly eat up your travel budget. For intercity travel in places like North America, Europe, and Asia, take advantage of trains for cost effective and environmentally friendly transportation. There is also so much enjoyment in kicking back, not having to drive, and just taking in the world as it goes by out your window.

How To Travel for Cheap with HomeExchange

So you're ready to save on your travels? Getting started with HomeExchange is easier than ever. You can sign up for free and start exploring possibilities. If HomeExchange seems like the right choice for you, then go ahead and some up for just one small annual free to unlock unlimited exchanges for the year with no additional hidden costs. Hosts and guests have reviews, so you can feel confident in the community with likeminded travelers.

You'll quickly find that HomeExchange isn't just great for anyone wondering how to travel the world cheap, but also an extraordinary opportunity to enjoy the comforts of home no matter where you go, get a great local's experience, personalized recommendations from your host, and connect with likeminded travelers. Check our our glowing reviews and then get started today!

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