Over the last few weeks, we have received messages from HomeExchange Members who have graciously offered their homes to help medical professionals in need during the COVID-19 pandemic. Thank you for offering your homes and personifying the hospitality, generosity and solidarity that are part of the HomeExchanger’s DNA. In these difficult times, we all become more aware of the strength and importance of a united community.

As you know, many health care professionals are in need of a place to stay as they help fight the coronavirus. They need a home where they don’t have to worry about infecting their families or a house that is closer to their workplace so their commute is easier each day. Living closer to their place of work can allow a real improvement in their quality of life and comfort as they work long, hard hours.

For those who have an empty house or apartment and want to offer housing to medical workers, the HomeExchange team has devised a way to facilitate those exchanges: the new COVID-19 Solidarity group on our website. The product and development team worked hard to add this group to the website, where each member can indicate their house or apartment is available, free of charge, during the crisis.

If you have a second home or a home that is empty, PLEASE join the COVID-19 Solidarity group to offer it to health, social, or civil workers who may need it during this time. We have put together a comprehensive list of answers to questions you may have during this process which you can find here.

We have created a new filter in the HomeExchange search, making it easy to find the Members who are part of the group. Medical professionals in need of accommodation can use this filter to find housing in their desired area.

HomeExchange covers these COVID-19 Solidarity exchanges with all the guarantees in a conventional exchange.

If you are interested in this initiative or know someone else who might be, visit our FAQ to understand how it works. We thank in advance all those who will participate in the initiative and will show generosity to those in the community who are struggling in this global crisis.

If you have any questions about this initiative, please feel free to reach out to our team at solidarity@homeexchange.com.