HomeExchange helps children mature by helping them to discover the world through encounters and adventures that provide opportunities for welcome and sharing. Whether it is through our Facebook groups or our testimonial form, many of you regularly share anecdotes and words from children, each one more moving or funny than the next, about home swapping.

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"They are still nice people for giving us their house." - Elena, 4 years old

"Will there be a cat who likes to cuddle? " - Thibaut, 6 years old

"I leave them my ps4, and they can even do better than me in my games!" - Marius, 13 years old

Between touching testimonies of children and parents, let's discover home swapping together through the eyes of HomeExchange children!

HomeExchange, To Open Up to the World


For adults and children alike, home exchange allows you to discover the world or your own region, new cultures and traditions, even learn a new language.

"This exchange in Australia has been extraordinary for our children, an extraordinary experience. At such a young age, crossing the planet to live in Australia for 2 months was like a dream for them! I think what they enjoyed the most was meeting the kangaroos, which were just a few steps away from us while we were hiking in the bush!" - Sophie
"Our children loved the big field of our hosts to play ball and hide in, the toys and the children's costumes, but this exchange was also very rich for them culturally. They discovered the landing beaches, the American and German cemeteries, the Mont Saint Michel and also the local specialities: butter, fresh cream and cider...". - Anne-Sophie
"The children loved Fertilia with its coves and beaches within walking distance of the house, snorkeling in clear tropical water, seeing dolphins off Alghero, eating delicious gelato and pizzas, learning Italian, and of the kindness of the Sardinians". - Olivier

HomeExchange, To Learn How to Share

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No home exchange without sharing: that's the core. Going on vacation with HomeExchange helps to instil this notion of kindness and generosity in children at an early age.

"Mommy, when do we go to people's houses and when do I lend my bed to other children?" - Blanche, 3 years old
"My children didn't want to share their room with 'strangers'. So, I proposed a first short exchange over a weekend in Paris. We exchanged with another couple who had children. The children discovered a new place of family life for a weekend, with a new room, toys, books, and common interests, but also differences and discoveries. It suddenly became easier to share when you are entertained! " - Thomas, 15 exchanges
"It was our first exchange and my daughter loved it, she wanted us to stay forever. But above all, she took a step back from what she had felt at home about sharing, and the fact that lending her house and therefore her room to other families could be enriching and allow us to discover other places. Before this exchange, she would never have lent her room!" - Sophie
"I'm happy to lend my room and my games to the children who come to our house, but I don't like when they put them in the wrong place and it takes me a long time to find out where they are! " - Mila, 9 years old

HomeExchange, To Learn How to Host


In addition to learning how to share, home exchange is also a way to learn how to welcome, prepare one's room for one's guests and make them feel comfortable and truly at home. HomeExchange children are bursting with creativity to welcome their guests!

"My children, in 6 months of home exchange experience, are perfect exchangers. At 8 and 5 years old, they carefully prepare and clean their rooms and make space in the closet for the clothes of friends who are going to arrive. They are very generous!" - Nolwenn
"For our first exchange in Italy, our son had understood that another child was coming to us, and he prepared a gift and a drawing for him. During our stay, he often talked about the little Italian girl who shared her toys!" - Bérengère
"We also like it when there are little words or drawings for us." - Cléo, 7 years old
"My daughters aged 10 and 7 have swapped rooms with Mickael and Balthazar, aged 8 and 4. They cleaned their room from top to bottom and prepared toys for them. Once there, they found the boys' rooms prepared for them. They loved the trampolines on the terrace and in the local playground. And they really liked the cinema room where they watched movies... in English!" - Delphine

HomeExchange, To Enjoy Your Host's Pets

Swapping your house for a vacation or a weekend is also an opportunity to take care of your guests' pets, a special treat for little animal lovers!

"My children loved being able to play with the toys of the exchange partners' children as well as having the responsibility of taking care of the cat of the family we were exchanging with, a real treat for our kids who dream of having a pet of their own. When we came home in the evening, they would check on the house cat together to see if it was all right and prepare dinner and water for it. I believe that we will decide to adopt a small pet as well, thanks to this experience". - Joan
"Our little Leon was 9 months old and he loved Sonia's house so much that he stood up for the first time to pet the cat. I'll always remember this memory!" - Fannie
"I love home swapping because sometimes there are swimming pools, the houses are nice and big, there are lots of toys, and cats who love to cuddle." - Thibaut, 6 years old
"Our granddaughters loved the guinea pigs of our guests. We had promised to look after them during our stay, and every morning our girls would open the cage and give them food. We have no pets at home, so whenever our daughters can take care of a cat, rabbit or hamster, they are absolutely delighted!". - Sophie

HomeExchange, To Make New Friends


Certain exchanges sometimes give rise to beautiful encounters that lead to beautiful friendships, for parents and children alike!

"We recently lent our house for a long weekend to a Parisian family. We were able to wait for their arrival to hand over the keys and have lunch with them. They had two little girls, one of whom was the same age as ours. The girls hit it off right away and our daughter didn't want to go away for the weekend any more, she wanted to stay at home with our guests!" - Sophie
"Our loveliest memory of our exchange in Ireland will remain the beautiful story of friendship between the children. My daughter returned alone the following year to visit the Irish family, and their son came to us afterwards." - Cathy

HomeExchange, To Enjoy New Toys

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Home swapping for children is a bit like Christmas: everything is new, different and interesting! And of course, for the younger ones, it's also a guarantee of brand new toys every time!

"When we arrive at the exchange, the children are excited to discover the different rooms of the house and especially THE TOYS. Even if there are not many of them, they are all new to them so they arouse a real interest. Who will sleep in which bed? Who will share a room?" - Nolwenn
"During our exchange in Brittany, our girls spent a lot of time playing with the boy's Playmobil collection." - Sophie
"In Lyon, the same favorite toys of our little last one were discovered, but with some models she didn't have, so she spent her time playing with them. It was great !". - Jo

And speaking of Christmas, the guests' toys sometimes give ideas...

"We love discovering new rooms to get ideas for Santa's list! " - Léo and Chloé, 8 and 5 years old
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House Swapping and Children, a Story Worthy of a Book?


We do think so! Your testimonies and those of your children motivate us on a daily basis, sometimes move us, often make us laugh, and always inspire us. They have even sparked a crazy idea, which is totally out of our everyday work: to write a book for children, for YOUR children, on the theme of home exchange!

"Victor Doesn't Like to Share"


Victor is a little boy who loves his toys, but does not like to share (at all). One day, however, he goes on a home exchange on a family holiday in San Francisco, an experience that will change his way of seeing things...

"Victor Doesn't Like to Share" was born from our imagination and inspired by a personal anecdote, but also by all your testimonies. We are very proud to publish this children's book ourselves to explain what sharing really means, through home exchange.

To gauge the general interest in the book, we started by publishing our story in French, since the author is French (and a member of the team). But if it is successful, we want to publish it in English, Spanish, Italian ... and who knows which other languages! Would you like to read Victor in your own language? Click on the button below to learn more about the project, and fill out the form telling us in which language (s) you might be interested in reserving the book!

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