Meet Corinne!

Last week we met Corinne, one of our faithful HomeExchange members, and spent some lovely time with her. Corinne is a primary school teacher and lives in Casablanca. Before moving to Morocco, she lived in Paris and South Korea (Seoul) for 6 years! As you can understand, Corinne is certainly a traveler at heart.

Travel with HomeExchange

home exchanger and world traveler Corinne

We met her in a wine bar for about an hour, where we were happy to share a glass of white wine while chatting. Before going to Belgium, she told us about her nostalgia for Paris, her favorite city, where she likes to walk, attend various exhibitions or movies and just enjoy some free time.

Having done many exchanges, she shared with us her HomeExchange experiences and even a little anecdote from her time in Paris:

“As the owner could not meet me on arrival (they were in New York), they gave me the details of the neighbour who I was supposed to meet at 7pm to give me the keys. When I called yesterday late afternoon, he told me that he had an emergency and would only be able to meet me to hand over the keys at 11pm as he was busy and was leaving Paris at 6am the following day. Thankfully it was close to my actual apartment so I finally went there yesterday at 11pm … and in fact the man was charming, he came to collect me from the metro station by taxi and everything went great. He showed me the flat and then brought me back to the metro also by taxi …I will spend four amazing days there, it’s a sanctuary full of interesting photographs”.Another great meeting with one of our members. Corinne has even offered to welcome us to the centre of Casablanca, her home! We really recognise the spirit of HomeExchange here!

We would like to thank Corinne for spending this time with us! If you would also like to meet us and have a drink or a coffee, send an email to!