Want to have some fun? Mardi Gras festivals are the way! Here are five amazing carnivals you can go to thanks to home exchange.

1. New Orleans

The New Orleans Carnival is one of the best carnivals to enjoy with your friends and family. New Orleans receives thousands of visitors to attend the Mardi Gras Parades. There are over 20 different parades with music, costumes, food, and much more. Many of the parades are family friendly and lots of fun.

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2. Rio de Janeiro

Samba music, sun, and costumes! Rio de Janeiro’s carnival is extravagant. Local Samba school students wear amazing costumes and perform astonishing dances! This is one of the best carnivals in the world! And if you don’t get tired of partying, it is known that locals dance until the sunrise. Get ready to dance!

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3. Belgium

The Binche Parade in Belgium in another great way to have some fun! People dance with brooms to chase the evil spirits away. They dress up in red costumes with wooden clogs and wear masks. Women dress up in decorative hats which are different every year. The Binche youth is also a big part of the festival where children participate as well. This a great way to spend family time and understanding how different cultures celebrate their traditions.

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4. Quebec

The Canadians have another way of celebrating during their cold winter months. Outdoor sports are everywhere! There are many incredible ice and snow sculptures that are exposed. A giant snowman is built in the historic center of the city. There are special drinks to keep you warm during the festival and delicious Canadian specialties like deep-fried doughy 😋

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5. Venice

The carnival in Venice is the fanciest of all! People wear vintage costumes and beautiful masks. The masks are the most important aspect of the festival. The meaning behind them is to escape social class divisions. The stunning costumes and the street artists make a great atmosphere!

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Now that you have some information on a few Mardi Gras Festivals, pack your bags and get ready to have some fun!

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