Home exchange offers unique experiences. Meetings, discoveries, sharing.... Like any other first time, the first exchange is filled with emotion and often leaves you with unforgettable memories. This summer, more than a million nights have been exchanged between our HomeExchangers, 32% more than last year. Many of them were first-time exchanges. Here is your opportunity to relive your first exchanges through your wonderful testimonials.

Even though home exchange may seem strange to some, more and more globetrotters are tempted by it, and then adopt it as their preferred way to travel! But, who better than a member of your entourage to convince you to take the first step and join? In 15% of the cases, HomeExchange members themselves help you discover and join our community. Charmed by their experiences, HomeExchangers share their stories and love sharing helpful tips as well.

In 2009, my mom and I met a couple from Seattle on one of our trips. They mentioned "while we are here in Alaska, a couple from France is staying at our home in Seattle"... and the inspiration began. Our first exchange was reciprocal. We said: "same two weeks next year,” and we went to Seattle thanks to our brand new travel buddies. - Barrie

HomeExchange’s strength lies in the surprises that each exchange offers ... and especially with the first one! Each trip brings you a lot of discoveries and a lot of sharing, which is the essence of our community.

In 2010, I had just signed up for HomeExchange, and I was contacted by Claudette and Robert for a reciprocal exchange. I had not planned to go to Canada, but we decided to accept the exchange and go on an adventure. I soon found myself heading to Laval Montreal with a couple of friends. The next day, we drove Claudette’s brand new Honda and discovered Quebec, from the great city of Montreal to Tadoussac. What wonderful memories we have of those three weeks!

HomeExchange is also, and above all, an adventure into the lives of others, and you feel this from the very beginning! From exchanging messages to exchanging homes, our Members get into the habit of communicating with each other and sometimes stay in touch even after the exchange. Many of you are still in touch with your early exchange partners, and have since become true friends.

Photo: cedric_addc (IG) during his exchange in Sweden.

We went to Rome for two weeks on our first exchange, and we are still friends with our exchange partners. We are friends on Facebook with all our exchangers, we have met great people, one even picked us up at the airport last time. - Wendy
We went on a reciprocal exchange with a sweet family in Scotland for three weeks. That exchange was very special. We chatted on and off for a year before our exchange. We are still Facebook friends today. - Melaine

Often, the first exchange marks the beginning of a long list.

Photo: suzanavidaskaroli (IG) during her exchange in California.

On our first exchange we went to Barcelona with GP and it was a fantastic experience, that's why keep doing it! The family was lovely, they were like friends, they helped us a lot. - Yolanda
Our first exchange was 19 years ago - a simultaneous exchange to Vancouver, Canada. At that time we lived in Canberra, Australia. We met our exchange partners when they arrived in Canberra and stayed home the first night to get to know them and take them out to dinner before flying out the next day. It was their first exchange too, and we were all hooked on exchanging after our very successful exchange. We met up with them twice after that. We have now gone on 34 exchanges and can say that a great first experience was very important for us to fully embrace the exchange way of travel. - Rod

Home Exchange is a different way of traveling. Many members create unforgettable memories. Feel free to share your memorable moments with us and other HomeExchangers.

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