Welcome to HomeExchange's official blog

We are very excited to welcome you the official HomeExchange blog. Stay tuned for updates, articles, testimonials and more. Here, you will learn about house swapping and how you can be part of the community yourself.

HomeExchange is the fastest growing trend in travel, as it is the most unique, frugal and eco-friendly way to see the world.

Your destination opportunities are endless when exchanging a home. With HomeExchange, other then the cost of getting to your destination, a vacation anywhere in the world does not have to cost you any more than staying at home. With no hotel bills, the benefit of unlimited free accommodation and the ability to exchange everything from cars to boats and bicycles, home exchange has become the best way to experience your destination like a local. It is also a fantastic way to immerse yourself in the area and get to know people.

Home exchanging offers travelers the exclusive chance to truly take in the unique pleasures of a particular town or city. They can ask their exchange partners about the best local hikes, ski slopes, rental stores, scuba shores and so on. By avoiding over priced lodging fees they are saving a great deal of money, and can instead choose to spend their travel funds on activities, restaurants, events and anything else that helps make the lasting memory.

With more than 400,000 listings in 187 countries, the global opportunities are endless and help to trade the stress of expenses for an unparalleled vacation and piece of mind.

Travel with HomeExchange