8 tips to feed your traveling spirit while at home

We are living in a complicated time, and we can’t travel as much as we’d like. Travel plans can change quickly, but we continue dreaming and planning for our next vacations. We just can’t contain our wanderlust— traveling is an important part of our lives and we have missed it during COVID-19!

HomeExchangers are passionate travelers who love exploring the world while feeling at home and living like a local. That’s why we asked our members in our Facebook groups what they’re doing at home to keep the traveling spirit alive, and they shared many tips with us.

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Some of these tips include: preparing exotic meals to taste the world at home, reading travel books to prepare their next getaways, scratching their scratch maps with the destinations they have been to in the past, and many more.

Traveling might be difficult now, but HomeExchangers always do their best to keep their travel spirit alive!

We encourage you to try some of these tips at home. They will make you smile and maybe find some inspiration for your next home exchange.

The best tips to keep up the traveler spirit at home by HomeExchange

Tip 1: Keep dreaming of your favorite destinations!

Materials needed: A washing machine

It’s a good time to update your preferred destinations and add those where you would like to travel in the future. Maybe at Christmas you can enjoy that getaway you deserve, or 2021 will bring new opportunities.

Update your preferred destinations

Tip 2: Stay active

Material needed: Your garden.

Enjoy fresh air, exercise, and your garden as much as possible!

Would you like to plan a home exchange with a home with a garden? You can add homes you like most to your favorites so you receive email updates when the homes update their availability.

Update your favorites

Tip 3: Have a nice day at the beach

Materials needed: A swimsuit, a cold drink, sunglasses.

Do you miss your last home exchange near the beach? Now you can have some relaxation, even if winter is coming! Let’s keep dreaming and start searching for future exchanges. If something goes wrong, our guarantees, flexible cancellation policy, and member support are here for you. You can plan your exchanges with total peace of mind.

Discover our COVID-19 guarantees

Tip 4: Enjoy a nice bath

Materials needed: A bath and a good book

Don’t hesitate to keep searching on our website for homes you love for the future. In your search options, you can find filters to help you to identify homes you’d love to exchange with. Did you know we have a jacuzzi filter?

Discover the search filters

Tip 5: Keep practicing your geography

Materials needed: A world map

Create a beautiful world map with all the destinations you have visited so far! Your family will love to see all the scratched regions or the pins on it.

If you love maps, don’t forget you can keep exploring the world through our search map. Move the map as you wish, zoom in or zoom out, and click on “update results” to find the homes that match your search criteria.

Get inspiration from our map

Tip 6: Taste different flavors of the world

Materials needed: flour, tomatoes, a bottle of wine.

You can travel from your kitchen, testing new recipes from all over the world at home! Some pasta? A tasty goulash? Or how about trying a paella?

Would you like to learn more traditional recipes from different parts of the world? Ask other HomeExchangers through our Facebook groups. You can share HomeExchange experiences, ask questions, and be inspired.

Connect with other HomeExchangers

Tip 7: Look at your home from a different point of view

Materials needed: Your imagination

Kids love home exchanging just as much as adults do— discovering new ways of living, different toys, making friends and exploring the world. And they learn the true meaning of sharing.

You can use our new guests filter on our site. With this filter you can specify how many adults, children or babies your traveler group has. Your searches will be more accurate now and adapted to your needs.

Check the guests filter

Tip 8: Always have your suitcase ready

Materials needed: A suitcase, your cat

With HomeExchange, you can receive surprise offers that you will love. If you prefer to travel locally right now, update your preferred destinations and remain open to any proposal. You can discover hidden gems near you that you never imagined!

Discover hidden gems near you

Your turn! What are your best tips to keep your travel spirit alive while staying at home? Share with us and with the rest of the community through our Facebook groups.
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