My HomeExchange Story: Upper West Side, New York, USA

Discover home exchange with stories from our members.

This story of a home exchange to Manhattan in New York was shared with us by Kaleo.

1. Where did you go on your home exchange?

Upper West Side, Manhattan, NY

2. How did you find your exchange?

I contacted them!

3. What was it that attracted you to this exchange opportunity?

The ease and expediency of the home exchange.

Photo by Hillie Chan / Unsplash

4. Tell us about your arrival:

The host was very helpful in her conversations with me, before the exchange took place and was not overbearing. She put me in contact with someone in her Upper West Side building in order to provide me with keys to her loft. She’d also emailed me a very thorough pre-written instructions sheet explaining house rules and neighborhood suggestions.

5. What is the favorite memory from your exchange?

Sharing a meal with my host after the exchange was very memorable. I’d left some personal items at her home and returned to retrieve them. She cooked us lunch with the leftover groceries I left in her fridge.

6. How would you describe home exchange to your family and friends?

The best program ever!!!!!!

Travel with HomeExchange