HomeExchange Has Transformed its Logo During the COVID-19 Lockdown

The pandemic we are enduring is difficult and unprecedented. It touches us deep inside, because it concerns the most important things: our health and the health of our loved ones. It forces us to drastically change our daily lives. During this period, going on vacation is definitely not recommended.

Like many of you, whether you are an artist, a self-employed entrepreneur or a non-essential employee,, HomeExchange has been hit hard by this crisis. 96% of our typical website activity has ceased..

To show support for all our members in this difficult period, we have transformed our logo. HomeExchange has thus become Stay Home. In these times of confinement, safety comes before traveling. Let's stay at home, keep exchanging news, words of encouragement, and memories, and we will exchange our homes later. This is what our new logo refers to, and, like you, we hope it won’t last too long.

Since March 16, everyone on our team has been working from home to ensure the continuity of 100% operational service for you. We will continue to monitor the situation closely, to keep you informed, and update the measures implemented regularly in the following articles.

Every day, we have been observing the strength of our community centered around strong human values in your emails, your #HomeExchangersAtHome posts, and your words in our Facebook groups. Thank you for communicating, helping each other out, and supporting each other.Thank you for the kind words you sent to the team as we continue to work to help this community thrive.

To stay connected to other HomeExchangers, join our Facebook groups: