Welcome to everything HomeExchange! We’ve got tips and tricks to make the most of your holidays; recommendations on where and how to live like a local; fun and free things to do in cities and countries all across the globe; inspiring looks at unique homes where you can stay for free; travel stories and recipes prepared by fellow HomeExchangers; and plenty more. E.N.J.O.Y 🖤

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All shared by HomeExchangers for HomeExchangers!

Click on your favorite categories to discover fun stories and tips:

Member Stories

Meet our Members and discover how HomeExchange changed their lives for the better. Teachers, retirees, large families, children from all over the world, young couples, single travelers, expats, experienced exchangers, first-time exchangers, honeymooners…and even famous dogs! They all joined HomeExchange and shared their testimonial with us.

Read Member Stories

10 fun & free things to do in ...

Where’s your next HomeExchange destination? Check out our series about 10 free & fun things to do in many cities of the world so that you arrive in your destination with a pack of tips about how to live like a local for a penny or less. This category keeps growing and growing!

Let's start with Paris!

Then continue in... Amsterdam!

Tips for a Happy Home Exchange

Experienced HomeExchangers and team members share their tips on how to find a home exchange: it’s all about back-to-back exchanges, tips for teachers looking for an exchange, how to prepare for your first Home Exchange, how to write and reply to inquiries, How to take eye-catching photos…  You’ll find everything about the best tips for safe and happy home swapping!

Read all the best tips (and tricks)!

About HomeExchange

Learn all you need to know about HomeExchange, the updates on the website or simply about the team in this part of the blog!

HomeExchange News

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have any questions about Home Exchange? How does HomeExchange work? How does car swapping work? Can I join HomeExchange if I have a pet? We’ve gathered the most frequently asked questions on this series.

HomeExchange FAQ