HomeExchange back-to-school checklist

Summer has come to an end, and with it summer vacation. Kids are starting back  to school, and their parents are heading back to the office. But for members of the HomeExchange community, are the holidays ever really over? Home swapping allows you to go on vacation more often, and it is said that when a HomeExchanger is not on an exchange, the next one is being planned!

I'm looking for my next exchange!

Speaking of preparation, is your listing  ready for a new season of home exchanging? Update your calendar, your favorite destinations or your description.  We have prepared a back-to-school checklist just for you, to guide you step-by-step towards your next exchange!

1- Update your calendar

Maybe your travel plans have changed, new ones have popped up since you learned of  a new school vacation schedule, or maybe you decided to take advantage of the Indian summer and go on a last minute exchange. In short, it's time to update your calendar!


Indicating your availability is an essential step in the search for a home exchange! It allows you to:

- state  your desires and  availability which results  in members reaching out to you in a more targeted way

- increase your search visibility which results  in more exchange requests

Update my calendar

2- Update your description

Add, refine, or update your home description as a new season approaches! What attracts someone to your home and area may differ from season-to-season.  And your community’s offerings are always changing. Make sure your listing reflects current and seasonal information.


Along with your photos, your home description is truly the showcase of your HomeExchange listing. Adapting and caring for it to showcase your home and your region will attract increasingly more  exchange inquiries!

Update my description

3- Update your photos

Much like your description, perhaps you chose some photos specific to a particular season, which you would now like to change to make your home more attractive for fall and winter. Take the opportunity to check that your photos are bright, taken during the day, and if possible, in landscape format to make your home as appealing as possible!


Your photos are the first thing that catches the eye of other members looking for an exchange, so this is an especially important element in order to make your home stand out and woo your potential exchange partners!

Update my photos

4- Update your favorite destinations

The fourth step in your preparation for back to school: update your favorite destinations! Some may no longer be relevant because you traveled there over the summer, or you have new dreams  in mind and therefore new destinations in sight!


Adding and updating your favorite destinations allows you to be notified by email whenever new homes are added or updated at these destinations, so you can be responsive and send your exchange requests quickly!

Update my favorite destinations

5- Update your traveler group

While taking stock of your vacation desires or plans, you may have realized that for the next few months, you may add or remove people from your list of those traveling with you. Just like your favorite destinations, go to your member profile to modify this information!


Indicating precisely who is in your traveling party allows other members, and in particular, your potential exchange partners, clearly understand your vacation plans and reach out to you with confidence knowing they can  accommodate you.

Update my list of travelers

You are now ready for your post-summer exchanges, all you have to do is send exchange requests! Hmmmm. Let’s see….will you be more of a country, mountain, or city traveler?

Send requests