How to have an amazing home exchange in Madrid, Spain

Last weekend, two members of the marketing team at HomeExchange flew to Madrid to meet with some of our loyal HomeExchange members. Farah, a HomeExchange intern from Paris, and Lucia, who is the Spanish Community Manager and is originally from Madrid, documented the meetings and shared a coffee or a drink with each of the members. Lucia knew a few great places to meet the members and even showed those who were there on exchange some cool spots in the city.

Home exchanges in Madrid

Apartment swapper Rosario travels with her family

They met with Rosario in El Retiro for breakfast. Rosario owns an apartment in Madrid, and she lives in a house just ouside of Madrid. She usually rents her apartment during the year, but in summer months she makes it available for HomeExchange exchanges in order to gain some GuestPoints and travel with her family.

Rosario was really enthusiastic about HomeExchange and she said it is convenient and a really suitable means of travel for her with her family and especially her children. For her first HomeExchange exchange she came to Paris and stayed in the home of HomeExchange's co-founder!

Home exchanger Nathalie shares her story

Nathalie is originally from France but she currently lives in Madrid. She mainly uses HomeExchange to come to France and visit her family. Nathalie works for a Spanish organization called “Apadrina un Olivo” (literally means “adopt an olive”), and she was interested in doing a collaboration with HomeExchange with the aim of promoting the area of Aragón.

She had plenty of interesting ideas for HomeExchange and she knew a lot about the exchange system and the website which was really helpful and great to meet someone with such encouragement for the service provided.

Traveler Lukas says HomeExchange is the best home swapping site

Lukas is from Sweden and he is an actor who uses HomeExchange a lot to travel. He has a home in Paris that he primarily uses for home exchange in order to gain GuestPoints to enable him to travel to beautiful cities like Madrid for work.

Over the years, he has tried a lot of home exchange websites and he said he is sure that HomeExchange is the best one! He thinks the design of the website is great and easy to use – and he appreciated the fact that we reach out to our members and try to meet with them to chat about their experiences!

Antonio makes lasting relationships by house swapping

Similar to Rosario, Antonio rents his house during the year and does home exchanges in the summer. He went, on a HomeExchange exchange, to Italy a few weeks previously and both he and his girlfriend absolutely loved the home exchange experience. He said how great are the relationships that are created through the website, HomeExchange cares about their members, and all of the hosts really care about their guests.

Corita travels through Paris by house exchanging

Angeles, or Corita as she prefers to be called, arrived with her baby who is just 7 months old. She discovered HomeExchange when she was looking for options of how to come to Paris and she thinks it’s great and easy to use and she especially lokes the element of sharing. She is currently in Paris on her exchange, and she was really happy with the host she found, as they were very welcoming and offered her a lot of toys and a cradle for her baby.

Travel with HomeExchange