For affordable vacations, try HomeExchange!

Did you know the average hotel room price in cities like Geneva, Dubai, Singapore, and New York City all exceed $230 per night?

Stay five days in any of those cities, and chances are you're going to spend over $1,000 on lodging. And that's just for an average hotel room.

For many, the added cost of lodging makes traveling less feasible. Thankfully, there is another option for those traveling on a budget.

Enter HomeExchange--your go-to home exchange platform for affordable vacations.

Why a home exchange is a great deal financially

Also known as home swapping, a home exchange is a form of lodging in which you agree with another party to offer them a stay at your home and/or they agree to offer you a stay at their home.

For example, on HomeExchange, you can earn GuestPoints when you host and use those GuestPoints to book stays in other cities. Exchanges can be reciprocal or non-reciprocal, which gives you added flexibility to go anywhere. Signing up on the platform is free and you can stay anywhere in the world for free. There's only a nominal membership fee. How awesome is that?

Considering the average cost of lodging, doing a home exchange can save you over $1,000 on average for a week-long trip. That's no small chunk of change. You could use that leftover money to stay longer, or put it towards another vacation.

Staying in a home in your destination city also enables you to save in other ways. For instance, the average traveler spends more than $30 per day on food, according to ValuePenguin. When you stay at an actual apartment or house, you can buy food and cook from home. That means less money spent at restaurants.

Simply put, if you're looking for good vacation deals, consider a home exchange. It's just a great deal financially for budget-conscious travelers and those looking for an authentic experience.

A home exchange provides an authentic travel experience

Amy Virshup, Travel Editor at the New York Times, writes that home exchanges have not only saved her money but also, more importantly, they provided the "chance to experience a place like a local." After staying in a residence, Virshup says it feels like home and you know things like which bakery has the best bread.

That sounds cool, right?

The thing is, when you stay at an actual residence, you take off your tourist shoes and put on local boots. You're given the keys to dive right into the local culture.

Even better, with a home exchange through HomeExchange, you can get to know a local: your exchange partner. They can teach you about the local culture so that you're well prepared. You can exchange tips with them on all those lesser-known local gems that tourists try so hard to find but rarely can. And you can form lasting friendships with people from all over the world.

For instance, for your first home exchange, you may choose destination like New York, Paris, or Rome during the summer (sunny vacations are the best, right?) By staying in a local's home, you can communicate with the owner beforehand about fun events happening in town, off-the-beaten-path sites, good food trucks, and more. They'll have the inside scoop on the present situation that even the best of travel guides can't offer.

HomeExchange offers many ways to travel

From exploring Australia with your family to a romantic weekend trip in Paris to traveling in Tokyo as a solo backpacker, you have many options when it comes to a home exchange.

With HomeExchange, you can easily search for a home in your destination city according to location, size, and preference. No matter what your needs are, and what type of vacation experience you're looking for, you can find it on HomeExchange.

So, where will you go with HomeExchange?

Travel with HomeExchange