About Experienzes

What is Experienzes?

The world is full of people with amazing talents and passions to share so we wanted to create a platform to bring those people to your living room. Why not spend an evening learning how to make an authentic Tuscan meal, giggling at a comedian or learning about the history of a culture in a museum? Our experiences are virtual, budget friendly and can be enjoyed from the safety and comfort of your home with your loved ones.

Are we required to join as HE members?

  • You have no obligation to take part in Experienzes, we just wanted to share it with you

How can I join as a host ?

  • If you are interested in joining as a host please fill out the following typeform and a member of the Experienze team will get in touch with you.

Can I join as a host if i'm not a professional ?

  • We want to offer a valuable, engaging product to our attendees so we ask that you have some background or experience relating to your topic before starting as a host.

Will I be paid for my services as a host?

  • Yes! You will be able to choose the cost of your Experienze. We recommend somewhere between $10-$20 USD per person. Experienzes charges a $2.50 processing fee and the remainder goes to the host.

In which language are the course are available ?

  • Currently we are only offering courses in English and French

How long do the classes have to be?

  • We recommend around 30 minutes for Kids and an hour for Adults but we leave it to hosts to set the length of their Experienze as they see fit.

How does it work to join a class ?

  • Each Experienze will be run via Zoom which you can simply use via your web browser or you are welcome to download the app for free here. Each individual Experienze is aimed at bringing a community with mutual interests together in an exciting and engaging way - it is not compulsory to have your video turned on but we recommend it so you can join in the fun!

Are the classes open for anybody ? (Kids, Adults, HomeExchangers or not .... etc.)

  • Each Experienze is different and some are targeted to either kids or adults, however there are no restrictions and they are open to anyone who is interested in taking part

Can I organize Experienzes with my friends?

  • Yes! There is a capacity on each Experienze so just make sure each of your friends is able to buy a ticket to the same class. If you are interested in booking a private class exclusively for your friends please email us at contact@experienzes.com.

How can I share an Experienze with a friend?

  • Each Experienze has a unique link - share this link with your friends and they will be able to purchase a ticket through the website.

Do I have access to the service as a HE member or is it a separate process?

  • Experienzes is a separate website and classes are purchased as a once off.

Can we use GP for the Experienze rather than cash?

  • Unfortunately as Experienzes is separate to HomeExchange, we are not able to accept GP.

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to reach out to us at: contact@experienzes.com