How to use the HomeExchange calendar ?

The HomeExchange calendar is an essential tool to find your next home swap. Like your photos and descriptions, the calendar is a way of putting your house out there to the world, a kind of window of your availability.

Update my calendar

Why you should regularly update your calendar

Regularly updating your calendar is essential to allow you to:

  • inform members of the community of your availability but also of your desires (reciprocal exchange or with GuestPoints) and therefore to be contacted in a more precise manner
  • be much more visible in community searches and to go up in search results (and therefore receive more exchange requests!)
  • contact members better since you know what they are looking for too, which increases your chances of a positive response!

How do I update my HomeExchange calendar?

  • If my house is available because I am leaving it and will be somewhere else: on vacation with relatives, for example, or if I have already finalized an exchange as a guest using GuestPoints at that time, I choose “Available for GuestPoint exchange” in blue.
  • If I want to make an exchange at this time, and my house is only available if I find an exchange, I choose “Available for reciprocal exchange" in yellow.
  • If I am open to make an exchange on these dates, whether with a reciprocal or GuestPoint exchange, then I choose “Open to any request” in green
  • What if I am not available? I do not select any period and my calendar remains blank.

If you are looking for a non-simultaneous reciprocal exchange, we encourage you to select “Open to any request” in green.

If you have more questions about how the calendar works, click here, then update your calendar and start looking for your next home exchange!

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